It has been a long road from Auburn University to the University of South Alabama. During the semester I dealt with illness, family issues, personal break-ups and much more. I think that going through so much as really made me a stronger and wiser person. My pastor, Rev. Walter G. Bracy, always taught us to ask the Lord to bless our mess. It's a difficult concept to understand and nobody can explain it like he can. I am so blessed to have gone through because now I have a testimony to tell. I am too blessed to be stressed and nothing is going to stand in the way of myself and my future students. Being an educator is what I want more than anything and once I set my mind to this goal, I knew in my heart that I was going to accomplish it. This semester, I do not feel as though I did as well as I could have, but I have all summer to recuperate and I am going to "grind" even harder in the fall to bring my GPA make to par.
Now as far as my summer goes, I don't know what to expect. I just recently adopted a 3 week old kitten and named him Tiger. He is a mixed Tabi. He is beyond cute. I have a few friends whose birthdays are during the summer so celebrating with them is going to be AWESOME! My family reunion will be held in Birmingham, AL during Father's Day weekend. Unfortunately, my dad will not be attending this year. He is going to his biological dad's reunion this year in Michigan. I sort of want to go myself considering I have not seen my granddad since my graduation in May of 2009. I have not had any communication with him since, but hopefully that will change soon. AUGUST IS GOING TO BE THE MONTH TO REMEMBER BECAUSE I WILL BE CELEBRATING MY 21ST BIRTHDAY!!! My birthday falls on a Sunday so I will most definitely be in church and possibly cooking dinner afterwards.
I can really say that EDM310 and the rest of my courses challenged my this semester but I really think that is what students need...A CHALLENGE. Opening the mind to new possibilites is what the educational sector should be about but sometimes it just does not work out that day. Well, I will keep you guys posted on the mild stones in my life and I pray that everyone is successful and keep God in the number 1 spot. Tiger is calling :) Later good people!!
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