Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blog Post #12

Honestly, I had the hardest time attempting to figure this out. I am one for creativity, but this one was a tough cookie...Then the idea of cookies just stuck!


I am a Special Education teacher so my field has broadened since the last time I did this assignment. Last time, I did a W.O.W (Wild Out Wednesday) and the assignment was for students to create their own rap about a figure or event that happened in history and post it on his or her blog. I didn't have the opportunity to do the assignment, but this assignment I could do. This time my focus would be on SCIENCE which is one of my favorite subjects. Mr. Lee's Phases of the Moon is a great way to teach kids the phases of the moon. This catchy tune is to the instrumental "Killin'em" by Fabolous. I am not here to ask you to just make up a rap. I am asking you to follow my instructions and physically get out and do this assignment an post it to your blog to prove that you did it. My assignment combines learning and eating!! Ready....set....go!

  1.  Watch Mr. Lee Phases of the Moon and follow his lead.
  2.  Go online to Google Images and find a picture that you would like to use for the phases of the moon. Print it off.
  3.  Go to the grocery store and purchase a pack of cookies; depending on the grade level you are teaching you will only need 4 (lower functioning kids) or 8 (higher functioning kids).
  4.  Draw a picture of the Earth relative to the sun.
  5. Remove the cream from the middle of the cookie by increments according to what phase you are presenting.   
  6.  Now glue the phases of the moon around your Earth as illustrated in the picture above. 
  7.  Take pictures of each phase and create a youtube video or iMovie. Include images, captions and music is optional.
This was a fun assignment to do and I got to eat cookies at the end :) Now I know the phases of the moon!!! #phatkidlifestyle

1 comment:

  1. Daphney,

    I enjoyed your blog post. I think that this is a wonderful idea to use with younger students. I think that the kids will also pay attention when they are making something that they can eat. Good luck with your endeavors of becoming a special education teacher.

    John Carpenter
